Justin Worland's accomplishments are nothing short of phenomenal. From Poly to Harvard to Time's Journalist of the Year, Worland educates people from all walks of life. Specifically, he focuses on the issues of climate change around the world. I enjoyed listening to Mr. Worland speak at Poly and had a few takeaways from his presentation.
His call for us to take action. Worland brought up a few staggering statistics. The US contributes a major role in greenhouse gas emissions, which build up in our atmosphere and trap heat, causing the phenomenon we call global warming—however, Mr. Worland also brought up another key statistic-- the vast majority of the US's population is unaffected by this issue. These stats created empathy with the audience- or at least it created empathy with me. It is ignorant and wrong to sit idly as we directly contribute to issues that other humans face. Issues such as mental health, dehydration, disease, and more.
While not exactly directly correlative to climate change, I was impressed with the way Mr. Wroland spoke. Unlike most presenters, he did not have a video or slideshow, he just spoke calmly and clearly into a microphone. And from how he spoke, I could tell he was speaking on an issue that he felt emotionally connected to. From statistics to stories, Mr. Worland has an aura that makes his audience more comfortable with heavy topics, more willing to be educated, and more willing to make changes.
Lastly, I was thoroughly impressed with Mr. Worland's ability to merge humanities and STEM. From reading a few of his articles, I could tell that Mr. Worland does a huge amount of research and ensures he is extremely knowledgeable about the topics he covers. For example, in a more recent article concerning deforestation in the Amazon, Worland brings up foreign policy and finance with environmental science. Together, they make a very thought-provoking and involved article that educates and rationalizes different ideas.
Thank you Mr. Worland for coming to speak to us!