According to Human Rights Watch, "in the last two and a half years after regaining power in Afghanistan, the Taliban, have created the world’s most serious women’s rights crisis." Jennifer Hall Lee, with the help of Afghan university students, aims to ameliorate the poor situation of thousands affected.
What I was most impressed with from this event was Lee's unwavering bravery, traveling to a village that was only a few miles away from a Taliban camp. When asked if she was afraid of the risk, Lee replied while she understood the danger, she wasn't going to let it stop her from spreading advocacy for what she cares about.
Lastly, what I was very pleased to see yet again from a GIP event, was how similar we are to people all around the world. through language barriers, religious barriers, and geographical barriers, I have continued to see the breaking of these barriers, and from them, the similarities between us all. While our thoughts can differ at times, we argue for the same ideas and wish for every voice to be heard. A great example of these barriers coming down was when Lee shared with us her memory of introducing Afghan Muslim feminists to America, specifically, Los Angeles. As they drove around and began experiencing our culture, Lee remembered how the women began to see that the stereotypes they believed in Afghanistan were not true at all; the people here were very alike to them.